
What can you make out of a plain white sheet of paper? Beautiful sculptures!

What can you make out of a plain white sheet of paper? Beautiful sculptures!

This week the challenge was to make sculptures out of some sheets of white paper (and some tracing paper for an interesting alternative). After demonstrating how to safely use scalpels I showed them some basic methods to start with, but many invented their own methods. No sellotape and only small amounts of glue were needed to make these intricate and delicate sculptures – some were creatures, some were abstract, all were beautiful. This was a challenge set by Josef Albers to his students…

Discovering gelli plate printing with children: getting brilliant effects with acrylic based mono printing

Discovering gelli plate printing with children: getting brilliant effects with acrylic based mono printing

It’s week 8 and the children have been experimenting with gelli plate printing. Gelli plates are a flexible printing plate that you can use acrylic paint with to create amazing textures and layers of colour. The kids used a wide range of different methods – including adding on paint, taking paint off, masking areas/letters off, adding textured objects and layering colours – to name just a few! The process is very quick so they all produced loads of pieces (and being acrylic they…

Kids Art Classes – Week 5 Mon 22nd – Sun 28th May 2023

Kids Art Classes – Week 5 Mon 22nd – Sun 28th May 2023

This week we tackled on of the tings people find hardest to draw – hands. But I had a trick to help – tracing our hand on a plastic viewfinder with a grid, and then using that to transpose the tracing onto a drawing. The principle is the same as in past weeks – break down what you are drawing into the basic lines and shapes, so you brain sees the lines not the complicated object. Easier said than done of course, but…

Kids Art Classes – Week 4 – Mon 15 May – Sunday 21 May 2023

Kids Art Classes – Week 4 – Mon 15 May – Sunday 21 May 2023

This week we tackled drawing upside down. The idea here is to try and disengage the thinking side of your brain and engage the visual. Often when we look we are scanning to take in everything that  is there, recognising, categorising and interpreting it all. When it comes to drawing this doesn’t always help us because we are not looking at exactly what is there, we are trying to think about what is there. When we turn what we are trying to draw…