Tag: children art classes

Comics! Comics! Comics!

Comics! Comics! Comics!

This week we looked into writing/drawing comics/graphic novels. We discussed how they manage to combine words and text together to create something that is more than the sum of it’s parts. I showed them how really the action in a comic happens between the boxes – the gutter – and in the imagination of the reader as the comics can only portray still images. But these still images can also use various tricks to convey movement – from movement lines, blurred images, blurred…

Hats glorious hats!

Hats glorious hats!

This week we got to try out some millinery – using vilene (stiffened fabric), metal hair bands and sinamay (the net stuff that milliners use). AS well as my box of random fabrics. We had a wide range of designs from the pre-existing such as (tiny) top hats, witches hat and beefeater hats to the completely new such as the drooping swan and the fire hat. The stapler was invaluable here as a quick and easy way to attach the fabric without waiting…