Tag: paper sculptures

Sewing sculptures

Sewing sculptures

This week and I challenged everyone to make paper/card sculptures with no glue or sellotape – only stitches! We used Barbara Hepworth for inspiration, particularly her pieces involving holes and wire, and discussed how we could achieve similar effects using toilet rolls, card and thread, as well as a hole punch for the holes.. It really is amazing what shapes and forms can be created just by cutting, folding and stiching together. And while most went for abstract,,Mateo manged to make a fish!

What can you make out of a plain white sheet of paper? Beautiful sculptures!

What can you make out of a plain white sheet of paper? Beautiful sculptures!

This week the challenge was to make sculptures out of some sheets of white paper (and some tracing paper for an interesting alternative). After demonstrating how to safely use scalpels I showed them some basic methods to start with, but many invented their own methods. No sellotape and only small amounts of glue were needed to make these intricate and delicate sculptures – some were creatures, some were abstract, all were beautiful. This was a challenge set by Josef Albers to his students…