Tag: printing for children

Watercolour magic

Watercolour magic

This week we tackled autumn leaves in watercolours. They really are the most beautiful subject, i think, and perfect for this tricky medium. There are techniques for all levels from patient layering, fluid experimentation to even printing with the leaves (and combining all these as well!). Really the only proper rule is to start with the light colours first. The beauty of watercolour is all about letting the white of the paper shine through, thereby utilising their amazing, and unique, transparency. Then you…

Playing with stencils

Playing with stencils

This week we had great fun designing and making stencils. Using craft knives very carefully and either card or acetate the kids made really fun and interesting stencils, which they then worked with very imaginatively – working out how they could overlap as well as playing with the colours (high contrast worked well) and the sponges on sticks we used were great to blend with. It’s a really versatile print making technique.

Discovering gelli plate printing with children: getting brilliant effects with acrylic based mono printing

Discovering gelli plate printing with children: getting brilliant effects with acrylic based mono printing

It’s week 8 and the children have been experimenting with gelli plate printing. Gelli plates are a flexible printing plate that you can use acrylic paint with to create amazing textures and layers of colour. The kids used a wide range of different methods – including adding on paint, taking paint off, masking areas/letters off, adding textured objects and layering colours – to name just a few! The process is very quick so they all produced loads of pieces (and being acrylic they…