Tag: sculpture

Finished paper clay sculptures

Finished paper clay sculptures

So it was the last week of term this week and the kids  finished their paper clay sculptures, using either paint or torn paper (decoupage). I particularly loved the decoupaged ones which added a lovely texture, in keeping with the paper clay, as well as incorporating interesting patterns. But of course, the paint gave more control over the colours and texture. And some used both – see the goose and the perfume bottle! And one child even made a whole habitat for her…

Paper clay – parts 1+2

Paper clay – parts 1+2

These two weeks we were busy with paper clay sculptures. Paper clay is a kind of paper mache, but the paper is mulched first before applying to the armature. I used this recipe from Jonni Good and it worked really well. The first step is to create the armature. What worked best was cardboard and scrunched up newspaper (careful to scrunch up the newspaper as tight as you can)  but wire is also possible. Its really important that the sculpture is as tight…

Half term arty fun!

Half term arty fun!

This half term we had another eclectic mix of activities on offer. The sculpture activities seemed particularly popular – including making abstract sculptures out of bike parts, more delicate sculptures out of wet toilet paper (surprisingly able to hold a shape) and of course many varied and imaginative cardboard creations! This time we also had a few bold children embarking on a 3-day project in which a small group designed and constructed a fish tank, complete with a futuristic city inside – called…

Modroc sculpture – part 3

Modroc sculpture – part 3

Last week of term this week so yes, it’s time to paint the modroc sculptures! Everyone came with brilliant ideas of how to paint the sculptures they’ve been making the past two weeks. We used acrylic paint which is easy to paint details or corrections on top, once dry. Some even added other elements such as tissue paper wings or paper clothing. Love the results!  

Wire and modroc sculpture – part 2

Wire and modroc sculpture – part 2

This week we were ready to add modroc to the wire sculptures we made last week. Though of course for some, the wire was a perfect medium for their creatures and they started afresh today. The trick with the modroc is to keep it wet while you’re working. If you let it dry it’s harder to add more layers, or to alter the ones you have. For this you also have to keep your water fresh – once it’s cloudy it needs replacing.…