Tag: fabric

Hats glorious hats!

Hats glorious hats!

This week we got to try out some millinery – using vilene (stiffened fabric), metal hair bands and sinamay (the net stuff that milliners use). AS well as my box of random fabrics. We had a wide range of designs from the pre-existing such as (tiny) top hats, witches hat and beefeater hats to the completely new such as the drooping swan and the fire hat. The stapler was invaluable here as a quick and easy way to attach the fabric without waiting…

Wire and fabric sculptures

Wire and fabric sculptures

This week we used wire and fabric to make amazing sculptures. The idea came from Access Art but we didn’t use plinths this time, and the kids didn’t stick to people. The basic technique is to make a simple wire sculpture – e.g. a stick figure – and to cover it in strips of fabric ( I used a sheet from a charity shop). We used thin wire to keep wrapped around the fabric to keep it in place. Then they cut up…