Tag: monoprinting

Gelli printing letters

Gelli printing letters

This week we experimented with making letters via gelli plates. This is a kind of mono-printing but you use acrylic paint and instead of glass or perspex the plate is made of gelatin. This gives is a spongy texture into which you can press stencils and textured objects, as well as the usual monoprinting techniques.

monoprinting from magazines

monoprinting from magazines

This week we worked with collage to make amazing, but unusual monoprints. Usually monoprinting involves painting onto a plate of glass or perspex and taking a print, or you cover that plate with ink and then make marks to remove some of it and take a print. This way is a variation on the first type but with the added addition of magazines as the base from which to work from (as paper is the term’s theme). The kids all chose images from…

Discovering gelli plate printing with children: getting brilliant effects with acrylic based mono printing

Discovering gelli plate printing with children: getting brilliant effects with acrylic based mono printing

It’s week 8 and the children have been experimenting with gelli plate printing. Gelli plates are a flexible printing plate that you can use acrylic paint with to create amazing textures and layers of colour. The kids used a wide range of different methods – including adding on paint, taking paint off, masking areas/letters off, adding textured objects and layering colours – to name just a few! The process is very quick so they all produced loads of pieces (and being acrylic they…