Tag: paper art

Paper clay – parts 1+2

Paper clay – parts 1+2

These two weeks we were busy with paper clay sculptures. Paper clay is a kind of paper mache, but the paper is mulched first before applying to the armature. I used this recipe from Jonni Good and it worked really well. The first step is to create the armature. What worked best was cardboard and scrunched up newspaper (careful to scrunch up the newspaper as tight as you can)  but wire is also possible. Its really important that the sculpture is as tight…

Sewing sculptures

Sewing sculptures

This week and I challenged everyone to make paper/card sculptures with no glue or sellotape – only stitches! We used Barbara Hepworth for inspiration, particularly her pieces involving holes and wire, and discussed how we could achieve similar effects using toilet rolls, card and thread, as well as a hole punch for the holes.. It really is amazing what shapes and forms can be created just by cutting, folding and stiching together. And while most went for abstract,,Mateo manged to make a fish!

Exploring paper weaving

Exploring paper weaving

This week I showed the kids some basic, and some more complex, ways of weaving with paper. With help from Naomi Kendall, who provided this helpful post on the subject, we made some beautiful designs,  using both strips of coloured paper and strips of magazines to make some v beautiful patterns. Of course, you don’t need to keep to the regular patterns I demonstrated. Some adventurous children deviated from the patterns with strips of different widths, as well as colours which did not…

Paper mosaics

Paper mosaics

Week 2 and this week we made paper mosaics. But we weren’t limiting ourselves to the simple, regular square types, oh no. We had strips, rectangles, dots, the lot! And used magazines as well as coloured card. A really simple technique, ideal for the younger ones, is to cover a piece of paper in strips and then on the reverse draw the outline of an animal  (remember to choose an animal that is recognisable from its silhouettes – so generally this means side-on).…

Tissue paper magic!

Tissue paper magic!

Welcome to our new term! This term will be all about paper! Each week a different activity using paper (or card).. First up was tissue paper – surprisingly versatile. While of course you can make some lovely collages with tissue paper, especially using its translucency to create different colours where they overlap, and coating in diluted PVA to bring out those colours. But you can also use bleeding tissue paper to stain the paper you are working on – as one child said,…