Welcome to our new term!
This term will be all about paper! Each week a different activity using paper (or card).. First up was tissue paper – surprisingly versatile. While of course you can make some lovely collages with tissue paper, especially using its translucency to create different colours where they overlap, and coating in diluted PVA to bring out those colours. But you can also use bleeding tissue paper to stain the paper you are working on – as one child said, it’s like magic!
This bleeding paper leeches out its pigment when wet. So simply wet the tissue paper with a brush after placing in on the paper. You can layer up colours as well. When dry the tissue paper will curl up and you can peel it off, but a residue will be left on the page. If you scrunch the tissue paper first there will be sections which do not get stained creating a beautiful pattern. This technique works well combined with sticking some tissue paper down – for instance if you stain a section of collaged tissue paper, or use some cut and stained shapes and some cut and stuck shapes. The effects can be difficult to control but really interesting.