Life Drawing
from £20
Buy tickets in advance – or cash / PayPal on the door.
Days of Week
Thurday / Friday
10.00 – 12.00 (Thursday)
19.00 – 21.00 (Friday)
One life drawing session £20
Block of 5 life drawing sessions £100
5x life drawing sessions
19.00 – 21.00
5x life drawing sessions
1x life drawing session
19.00 – 21.00
1x life drawing session
Thursday Life Drawing is open during school terms.
3 Terms (Start: September, January and April)
Each Term – 10 weeks
Half term breaks.
Autumn Term dates 2023
Five Thursdays:
(27/10 Half Term no class)
02/11; 19/11; 16/11; 23/11; 01/12.
Five Fridays:
22/09; 29/09; 06/10; 13/10; 20/10.
(27/10 Half Term no class)
Five Fridays:
03/11; 10/11; 17/11; 24/11; 01/12.
Spring term dates
Five Thursdays:
11/01; 18/01; 25/01; 01/02; 08/02
(16/02 Half Term no class)
22/02; 29/02; 07/03; 14/03/ 21/03
Five Fridays:
12/01; 19/01; 26/01; 02/02; 09/02
(16/02 Half Term no class)
Five Fridays:
23/02; 01/03; 08/03; 15/03; 22/03
Summer term dates
Five Thursdays: 25/04; 02/05; 09/05; 17/05; 23/05
(24/05 Half Term no class)
Five Thursdays: 06/06; 13/06; 20/06; 27/06; 04/07
Five Fridays: 26/04; 03/05; 10/05; 17/05; 24/05
(24/05 Half Term no class)
Five Fridays: 07/06; 14/06; 21/06; 28/06; 05/07
Friday Life Drawing is open during school terms.
3 Terms (Start: September, January and April)
Each Term – 10 weeks
Half term breaks.
mobile: 07444431030
email: adultartclasslondon@gmail.com
Course Description
A creative way to end the week!
With poses from a few minutes to one hour- there is something for everyone.
This is tutored session run by our artist /tutors who will always be happy to
give advice and to encourage you to develop your own style and approach.
As an inspiration, the session will start with the presentation on one artist.
We are a fully equipped art studio. Therefore, you do not need to bring anything with you.
– Tables, easels and drawing boards provided.
– All drawing materials provided.: paper, pencils, graphite, charcoal, colour pencils, markers, collage material, etc.
– For an extra £5 you can also use painting material. This can be purchased at the studio.
Tea, coffee, biscuits included!